How Do I Get Rid Of An Ant Infestation In My Salt Lake City Home?


How Do I Get Rid Of An Ant Infestation In My Salt Lake City Home?

Uinta Pest Solutions

Ants are common pests that live in outdoor settings in large colonies with others. Ants have a three-part body that consists of the head, the abdomen, and the thorax. The exterior (exoskeleton) of their bodies is composed of chitin, a somewhat durable material. 

As scavengers, ants will capitalize on opportunities to infiltrate homes. They consume an omnivorous diet, which includes most of the foods that humans eat. 

Are you looking for answers regarding how to get rid of ants in your home? In many instances, those who have the best outcomes consult with a local pest control company for treatment options. A trained Salt Lake City pest control professional understands how to stop ants that invade properties and the best measures for preventing subsequent problems with these unwanted creatures. 

How Can I Tell If I Have An Ant Infestation?

Once a few ants enter a home and detect food sources, you should expect others to follow in droves. Based on the often large size of ant colonies, infestations can quickly progress and become unmanageable. In most cases, homeowners will notice a trail of ants leading indoors, usually with small openings around doors or windows serving as the point of entry.

Often, those with ant colonies on their properties will notice "swarms" of winged ants congregating. Why do ants swarm? The winged members of the colony are usually those with reproductive capabilities that gather during their mating season. 

Can Ants In My Home Make Me Sick?

Are ants dangerous creatures? The majority of ant species pose minimal direct human health risks; however, they are carriers of germs that will contaminate food and surfaces in a home. 

What's Attracting Ants In My House?

Are you wondering why are there so many ants in my house? Ants will enter homes for a variety of reasons; homeowners should limit the most common attractants, such as: 

  • Kitchen areas with crumbs on floors or spills on countertops are often invaded by ants.
  • Trash bags containing food scraps should remain in sealed garbage receptacles that prevent indoor and outdoor access. 
  • Never leave dirty dishes or bowls of uneaten pet food out overnight. 

While limiting attractants is one important step for preventing ants, homeowners should also remember the importance of implementing exclusionary measures that physically impede indoor access. 

How Do I Get Rid Of An Ant Infestation?

What gets rid of ants that are invading my home? Too many local residents try store-bought options for home pest control for ant problems. These do-it-yourself (DIY) sprays, traps, or baiting systems often prove insufficient against moderate or severe ant infestations. Instead, contact a local pest control professional regarding these concerns. 

Uinta Pest Solutions is a leading provider of residential pest control services in this region. After receiving an inquiry from a Salt Lake City property owner struggling with ants or similar types of pests, we will deploy a properly trained technician to the premises that will closely inspect the premises. This inspection process is a critical first step, as it often reveals the type of pest involved, the likely points of entry, and other key information. Our team members will address any questions that arise and explain the best available treatment options. 

Safety is a priority for our team; therefore, we will use eco-friendly products when possible. We recognize that operations must not adversely impact our customers, their pets, or the local environment. As a full-service pest management company, we offer many other services, such as treatment for bed bugs, rodent control, and more. 

For more information, contact our office today. Keep in mind that we now offer flexible scheduling options.

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